Impact Snapshot

August 2022

In this month’s Impact Snapshot, read about EHF Fellows in action creating environmental, social and economic impact, plus recent recognitions and awards they’ve received.

Fellows in action

🌏 Environment

Jeff Schlichting, Tim Derrick and the Helios Energy team confirmed the first Transpower New Zealand connection agreement for grid scale solar. Helios is a collaboration of renewable energy developers that has been developing a pipeline of high-quality, grid-connected solar developments across New Zealand.

James Nikitine and Blue Cradle published their second annual report on all things marine in Aotearoa New Zealand. Through research, ocean literacy education, and communicating these solutions, James is helping scale the regenerative blue economy.

Owen Gaffney is publishing his book, Earth for All, on 20 September after two years of debating, analysing, & writing. Jayati Ghosh, one of the co-authors, wrote a summary, in which she dissects the scenarios humanity faces today.

Films for the Planet (Thea La Grou) is featuring the Happen Films team, Antoinette Wilson & Jordan Osmond. Happen Films creates solution-focused documentaries that help guide us back into harmony with the rest of nature. Visit the link for inspiring free and on demand films!

✌ Social

Erik Zydervelt was featured on Radio New Zealand’s Afternoon with Jesse Mulligan to share his life. Erik is the founding director and CEO of Mevo, a New Zealand car sharing company aiming to solve the problem of too many cars on the roads.

Hazel Heal is helping remove the threat of viral hepatitis worldwide and Niue is on track for being noted by the World Health Organisation as the first country to eliminate viral hepatitis due to Hazel and her Cure-A-Country initiative.

Bex De Prospo has been managing the production of the Word Christchurch Festival 2022, which runs 31 August to 4th September, featuring amazing writers, storytellers and poets, including Faumuina Felolini Maria Tafuna’i

James Mielke and his company, Tigertron, announced the upcoming Meta Quest 2 release of their environmental game, Jupiter & Mars, about two dolphins navigating a futuristic Earth where sea levels have risen and submerged coastal cities.

Kyle Webster was interviewed by BusinessDesk and offered his perspective on the effective altruism movement in New Zealand.

“It’s asking really critically what is the largest difference we can make with money and attention to improve people’s lives”

Kyle is a part of his local Effective Altruism (EA) branch and has a PhD in molecular biology working on producing Covid-19 vaccines.

Savannah Peterson joined the NZ Tech Podcast to review what's happening in NZ's technology sector and its future, plus the top space and tech news. Savannah is founder and Chief Unicorn at Savvy Millennial.

Lani Evans was on the Purposely Podcast discussing purpose, philanthropy, the partnership between Te Rourou, Vodafone Aotearoa Foundation and Vodafone New Zealand, and the lessons learnt through her startups, Thankyou Payroll and Cheese Cartel.

Khalid Albaih’s latest article on being part of Documenta, the world’s biggest art fair, cartoons, and anti-semitism was published on ND Journalismus von Links.

[article in German]

Tim Pare’s First Give, a charity he founded, has giving away over £1 million, through winning grants and student social action, to small, grassroots UK charities. The program inspires and empowers young people to take action to make a positive change in society.

📈 Economic

Steven Moe is hosting a Board Matters podcast on governance and leadership with 13 experienced Directors for the IOD, which gives insights into trends in New Zealand. They discuss their governance journey, what motivates them and their vision for the future of governance.

Simone Kidner gave a talk about the Tākaka Cohousing Neighbourhood: Building Community through Regenerative Development. Simone and many other Fellows are creating a neighbourhood that’s built on shared values with an established culture of trust, respect, care and joy.

🤝🏽 Collective Impact

Movac announced their lead seed investment in Kry10, founded by Boyd Multerer, who are building a new operating system and software stack for mission-critical connected devices. This is a great example of Fellowship collaboration between Boyd Multerer, Lovina McMurchy, and Jeremy Ginsberg. Boyd is responsible for Xbox Live, the gaming and entertainment service now used by more than 46 million people worldwide.

Awards and recognitions 🏆

Brandon Iglesias for his publication on the effects on Hybrid Gas/Liquid Electrochemical Reactors. Brandon is a clean-tech inventor and his company, Reactwell, is developing technologies that turn carbon dioxide into ethanol and that capture water and C02 from the atmosphere.

Thabiso Mashaba for being selected as a Winner by Falling Walls Engage in the #ScienceEngagement category. This award is in recognition of his IDIN Southern Africa Consortium Project and his bottom up approach to grassroots community empowerment and technological development.

*Images have been provided by Fellows or sourced from the Internet. EHF does not claim to own the images.